
7 Tips for Budgeting as a Student

One of the biggest challenges students face when they start university is being fully responsible for their finances. This means learning to budget. It’s important to stick to a budget to live comfortably and participate in activities until the very end of the month. Plus, improving your budgeting skills now will be beneficial for the rest of your life. Here are some strategies to practise.

1. Calculate Your Income

To figure out how much you have available to spend each month, you need to know your income. This may include the amount you receive for living costs from your student loans and funds from grants. If you feel that your income is too low for your needs, consider searching for a part-time job, picking up gig work, or starting your own business at university.

2. Find Scholarships

Another way you can increase your income is to find scholarships. If you search enough, you should be able to find several that are relevant for your situation. It may take some effort to apply to them all, but it can pay off in the long term by significantly increasing your income.

3. Track Where Your Money Goes

Your budget should be about more than how much you can afford to spend: you need to allocate funds to different activities. The best way to determine how much you can assign to each is to track your current spending habits with a budgeting app. Bear in mind that some expenses will be the same each month, whereas others will vary. It’s the variable ones you need to be most careful about, as these can push you over budget.

4. Include Credit Card Payments in Your Budget

You’ll quickly build high-interest debt if you use your credit card frequently and only make minimum payments. It’s best to pay off your balance in full each month — but to be able to do this, you need to include credit card payments in your budget.

If you use your credit card responsibly, you can start building a good credit score. However, make sure you do your research before you choose a credit card. Rather than applying for the first one you come across, find one that will benefit you.

5. Aim to Spend Less Than Your Income

You should never set a budget that uses 100 percent of your income. There’s always a chance you’ll face an emergency — and if you have no funds left, you’ll need to add a payment you can’t afford to your credit card. Avoid debt by consistently spending less than your monthly budget.

6. Save Whatever You Can

It’s better still to allocate some of your budget to savings. You can use these funds in an emergency, for purchases that are too large for your monthly budget, or just to start developing good financial habits.

7. Set Financial Goals

It can help with your motivation to budget to have long-term financial goals, such as paying off your student loans by a certain time. To reach these goals, you’ll need to have some short-term targets that relate to your everyday budgeting.

One way you can free up more funds in your budget is to move into an affordable apartment. Foundry Lofts offers Brock University off-campus housing to suit any budget. Choose between a furnished or unfurnished suite with three or four roommates. Apply now for the floor plan you want before they’re all sold out.


What to Look For in a Student Apartment

Although living off campus is almost always preferable to staying in student residence, not all student apartments are equal. There are certain things you should look for in an apartment to ensure you’ll be comfortable, safe, and happy. Here are a few starting points to guide you.

1. All-Inclusive Rent

Beyond finding an apartment within your budget, it’s best if the rent is all inclusive. This means you won’t need to worry about budgeting for multiple utilities or services, including electricity, heating, and internet bills.

2. Great Amenities

Some amenities are essential, whereas others will enhance your experience. Consider which amenities matter the most to you and only visit apartments that offer these features. For instance, you may want a furnished apartment, onsite laundry facilities, somewhere you can park, or air conditioning.

3. Condition of the Property

It’s crucial to check that the property is in good working order before you commit to a lease. You can check many things during your tour, including the faucets, toilets, water pressure in the shower, outlets, heating, and locks. Also think about how much natural light you’ll gain and whether the windows are leaky. Look at the appliances: are they modern or old and potentially worn out? Finally, consider your impression of the landlord and the other residents in the building to determine if you’d be comfortable living in the apartment.

4. Safe and Convenient Neighbourhood

Since there may be times when you come home late at night, it’s critical that the neighbourhood is safe. You can do some research online, but you should also go with your gut feeling. It’s best of all if you can find an apartment near campus that’s also close to places like a grocery store, a coffee shop, and public transport (if you don’t have a car).

5. Minimal Leasing Fees

Bear in mind that some landlords charge extra fees related to the lease, including approval and administrative processing fees. You may also incur a fee if you want to sublease your apartment or delay signing the lease until later. Since these fees can add up, look for a landlord that will charge you a minimal amount.

6. Conditions of the Lease

Make sure you read the lease carefully and never allow a landlord to pressure you into signing. Ask for clarification for anything you’re unsure about. In particular, check if there is an option to renew your lease for another year — this will prevent you from needing to look for new accommodation.

7. Maintenance Requests

No matter if the building is old or new, you may need to request maintenance at some point. Ask your landlord about how service requests work.
For Brock off-campus living where you’ll receive all the above and much more, there’s Foundry Lofts. Our student apartments are just a 10-minute walk from campus. We have both furnished and unfurnished units available for an all-inclusive price. As well as amenities like WiFi, an in-suite washer and dryer, and self-controlled air conditioning, you’ll have access to our fitness centre, lounges, and movie theatre. Apply now while our lowest rates are still available.


4 Ways to Build a Strong Resume in College

College is all about preparing for the world of work. In addition to gaining a qualification, you’ll have the chance to participate in activities that will enhance your resume. This is particularly important when you have limited work experience. Of course, not all activities are equal and there are certain things that are extra worthwhile for building a strong resume. Here are a few strategies to consider.

1. Find a Job

One of the best things to have on your resume is an employment history. Start looking for a job by searching for opportunities on campus. These positions are often ideal because you’re able to fit your work around your college schedule. Plus, there tend to be numerous positions available, meaning you should be able to find something that matches your interests and gives you the chance to acquire relevant skills.

Having said that, there’s no need to limit your search to campus jobs. You may be able to find something that appeals to you more through an external employer. Alternatively, you could even start your own venture or think of a service you could offer on a freelance basis, such as childcare, IT support, or dog walking.

2. Search for an Internship Related to Your Career Goals

Another way to gain work experience is through an internship. However, it’s important not to simply apply for anything that comes your way. Instead, think about how an opportunity could benefit you in the future and choose something that will look impressive on your resume. Besides, you have a much higher chance of landing a position if you have a good reason for applying.

3. Use Your College Career Services

Whenever you feel unsure about anything related to employment, use your college’s career services. In addition to improving your resume, you may be able to receive one-on-one support for finding a job, searching for suitable internships, and mastering interview techniques. An advisor can also help you with your career goals, including by telling you what skills you need to acquire and what action you should take now to start preparing.

4. Attend Networking Events

Besides a strong resume, you’ll need connections in your field. Put in the effort to meet people who could help to open doors for you later. Talk to employers at career fairs, get to know your professors on a personal level, and strive to keep expanding your social circle, especially with students taking the same major as you.

Another place to meet people is conferences and other industry specific events. You can even mention your attendance on your resume. While it’s not typical for someone with experience to include this information, it can be helpful for showing your passion and filling up your resume when you have little to include.

After spending a long day in classes and at your job or internship, you’ll want somewhere comfortable to come home to. An alternative to Niagara College residence is Foundry Lofts. Our off-campus student community has spacious suites and a management team to keep the buildings in great condition. Apply now to secure our lowest rates.


9 Career Options for Music Lovers

The music industry has undergone some extreme changes over the last couple of decades. Consumers no longer purchase music at nearly the same levels as they once did, but that doesn’t mean demand for music has in any way decreased. In fact, changes in the industry have created a range of new careers. Studying a music-related major like audio engineering, music production, or music business could open up these opportunities for you.

1. Sound Engineer

Some of the best-paying jobs in the music industry go to sound engineers. Various jobs fall into this category, including for mapping sound effects for video games, composing scores for movies, and recording sound for TV productions.

2. Music Agent

A career that often comes to mind when talking about the music business is a music agent. You’ll need a good understanding of marketing, project management, and public relations, such as for managing social media, organizing interviews and events, and writing press releases for your clients.

You can represent musicians and bands by finding a job at a music marketing firm or by setting up your own agency.

3. Conductor

Becoming a musician is not the only way to work in performance: you could also conduct an orchestra or choir. You’ll be responsible for choosing the music and creating arrangements suitable for your musicians or singers. You’ll then need to rehearse with your group and attend performances. You may like to start out leading a school band, youth orchestra, or choir. With experience, options may open up in TV and radio or with a performance company.

4. DJ

Successful DJs are outgoing entertainers who know how to create a beat. This path tends to lead to a career as a freelancer, but it’s not difficult to receive referrals if people love your music. You may even be able to land regular work at the same bars or clubs.

5. Recording Engineer

If you’d prefer to work behind the scenes, a career as a recording engineer could be for you. This involves recording songs and then mixing and mastering the tracks. As well as jobs with composers, arrangers, and producers, you may work with a film sound editor or concert production company.

6. Music Journalist

A great way to attend a performance without being in the spotlight yourself is to become a music journalist. You may need to start out as a freelancer until you are able to land a position with a music magazine or another publication. As well as attending and covering concerts, you’ll likely write about new releases, artist profiles, and news items related to the music industry.

7. Songwriter

Behind every great song is a songwriter. If you pursue this career, you’ll be responsible for writing some musical elements as well as lyrics. This is one of the more difficult areas of the music industry to get into. It helps to have some interesting stories to tell along with a knack for writing lyrics that resonate with your audience.

8. Musical Therapist

Music can be healing, especially for patients with mental health conditions but also for those with physical pain. After learning how to use music for therapy, you’ll be able to provide support for people at hospitals, clinics, rehab centres, and assisted living facilities.

9. Music Teacher

As a music teacher, you can be self-employed or work at a school or academy. You can teach one or several instruments or musical skills in general. Whatever you choose, this is sure to be a rewarding career.
Since jobs in the music industry can be competitive, you’ll need to study hard to gain an edge over other graduates. This means searching for suitable student rentals. St. Catharines music students can find a home at Foundry Lofts. As well as being able to study at your desk in a fully-furnished suite, you can head to our onsite quiet study zone whenever you like. Plus, you’ll be able to meet students attending other colleges in places like the fire-side lounge, fitness centre, and game room. Apply now to secure your spot.


Ways to Destress as a Student

Going off to university is an exciting time, but as with any other major life change, it certainly comes with its share of stressors. Most significantly, you’ll be living independently, which brings much more freedom and choice than you’re used to. You’re particularly likely to feel stressed when your energy levels drop and you face more demands than you can handle. Whenever you feel like you’re in this situation, here are a few things you can do to destress.

1. Sleep Enough Each Night

There are often times when you may feel tempted to stay up late, whether to squeeze in a few more hours of studying, hang out with friends, or even relax with social media or video games. However, if you need to wake up early for class or another commitment, this is never a good idea. Sleep deprivation will make you more stressed and put you at risk for serious health conditions.

Instead, try to stick to a bedtime — don’t sleep until the early afternoon to make up for a late night. It’s helpful for your body to have a schedule, and it’s best if this is aligned with the hours of daylight.

2. Exercise Regularly

Staying physically active is a great way to relax — plus, it will help you fall asleep faster. College is a great time to experiment with new activities you may enjoy, such as by joining sports teams, going to the gym, or taking advantage of free fitness classes. When you find a form of exercise you enjoy, you’ll look forward to working out.

3. Eat a Healthy Diet

You’ll also feel better physically and mentally if you’re eating well. Healthy foods will keep your energy levels steady throughout the day and prevent a sugar high that will only make you feel worse later. Besides, university is a great time to explore new flavours and to learn cooking skills that will benefit you for life.

4. Limit Your Caffeine Intake

One thing that should be in your diet only in moderation is caffeine. A coffee in the morning and perhaps another after lunch is reasonable. However, relying on caffeine to keep you alert into the night to meet the due date for a paper will make you much more susceptible to stress. For the same reason, you should avoid prescription medication to boost your energy.

5. Create a Reasonable Schedule

It’s easy to take on too much when you start university. You may want to work, join many clubs, and sign up for the maximum number of classes. While it’s fine to experiment with your limits, you also need to know when to drop something to prevent burnout. For instance, you may need to drop a class, volunteer less often with your extracurriculars, or search for a job with a more manageable schedule.

6. Make Time for Leisure

What you shouldn’t do is give up all your fun activities to make time for studies and work. It’s important to spend a few hours a week on your hobbies, whether on your own or as part of a group. A great thing about university is that you should find plenty of opportunities to explore new passions.

7. Learn Breathing Exercises

Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, stop and breathe. There are various types of breathing exercises you can try, the most simple of which involves breathing slowly and deeply for at least a few seconds.

You’ll feel much less stressed if you’re living in a place you love to call home. Since living on campus means losing privacy and sharing your living spaces with a large number of other people, many students prefer to search for rooms for rent. St. Catharines students can find high-quality student housing at Foundry Lofts. You’ll have your own room in a suite that you’ll share with just three or four other people. Plus, you’ll have access to a range of great onsite amenities, including fitness facilities, a games room, and a study zone. Receive an in-person or virtual tour to see it for yourself.


How to Save Money on Holiday Gifts as a Student

However much you love the holidays, there’s one thing you definitely don’t look forward to: exceeding your budget on gifts. Avoid stress this year by following some basic money-saving tips.

1. Decide How Much You Can Afford

Look at your monthly budget and decide how much of it you can afford to allocate to gifts. It’s important to do this before you start buying anything — otherwise, you may end up spending almost your entire budget on a couple people and have nothing left for everyone else. Also determine who you want to give gifts to. If you want to purchase more expensive presents for some people than others, come up with a rough amount of how much you’ll spend on each individual.

2. Spread Out Your Holiday Shopping

Start buying gifts as early as possible. This will enable you to use a portion of a couple months’ budget rather than needing to find the whole amount you need at once. If you won’t be seeing some family members or friends until the beginning of next year, you can even wait to buy gifts until after the holidays.

3. Organize a Gift Exchange with Friends

An easy way to save money on buying gifts for friends is to arrange some kind of gift exchange. You could do a Secret Santa, where each person in the group is anonymously assigned someone else to buy a gift for, or a White Elephant, where you all bring one gift and everyone chooses one to take at random.

Either way, you’ll have the freedom to spend a decent amount on one gift instead of needing to buy a large number of small gifts. If most of your friends are college students as well, the likelihood is they are also strapped for cash and will appreciate this idea.

4. Make Your Gifts

You’ll spend even less if you make your gifts. Plus, an added benefit is that your presents will have more meaning to the recipients. If you know how to knit or crochet, you can make great gifts like scarves, hats, or socks. Alternatively, you could collect some photos from over the years to create a memory book or make cosmetics — bath bombs can be particularly impressive, but they’re cheap and easy to make.

5. Save Money on Holiday Activities

Gift giving is just one expense you face over the holidays; another major one is holiday activities with friends and family. However, there are plenty of things you can do that cost little or nothing. For instance, you could have a movie night at home, go for a drive around your neighbourhood to see the light displays, or have a potluck dinner with friends instead of going to a restaurant.

You’ll save money year round if you move into an off-campus apartment. The Niagara College student housing at Foundry Lofts is comfortable and convenient with a range of great amenities — from free yoga classes and a 45-seat movie theatre to a WiFi-equipped study lounge. Apply now to join the waitlist for next year.


5 Ways to Reconnect with Hometown Friends Over Winter Break

One of the best times of year to catch up with hometown friends is winter break. You’re all back home for an extended period, likely with plenty of free time in your schedules and no need to think about schoolwork again until next year. Plus, unlike spring break, the end of the school year is still a long way off and unlike summer, most of your friends won’t be going on vacation or be preoccupied looking for an internship.

To properly reconnect, there are a few different activities you should consider organizing. If you have plenty of time, you may even like to do them all. At the very least, they’ll keep you from feeling bored and strengthen the bonds you have with old friends.

1. Quick Coffee with the Group

Meet up with your entire group of friends over a morning coffee. This will allow those who have other commitments to leave early — and the rest of you can stick around for longer. Your friends should be able to fit a quick coffee into their schedule, even if some of them are busy with a job, gift shopping, or preparing for next semester.

2. Brunch and a Movie

Spend the whole day together — without pushing anyone to get up early — by arranging to meet for brunch. This will give you plenty of time to chat about university, jobs, roommate drama, and everything else. Complete the day by heading to a movie theatre to see a latest release that you’ve been unable to see yet due to being busy with finals.

3. Hit the Bars

If your friends have more time in the evenings, heading to a local bar or even organizing a proper night out could be ideal. Your friends need to let off steam just as much as you do — this could be the perfect choice to help you relax.

4. Go for Dinner

Organize a special end-of-year dinner at a fancy restaurant with all your closest friends from your hometown. Choose a restaurant that you’ve always loved or try out one you’ve never been to before. Either way, it’s a great opportunity to dress up and feel more like part of each other’s new, adult lives.

5. Have a Slumber Party

If you want to do the opposite and feel like kids again, hold a slumber party. It’s sure to make you think of the old times and how much fun you used to have at high school. Incorporate some of your favourite activities, whether that means having a movie night, baking and decorating cookies, or playing video games. What you choose to do doesn’t matter nearly so much as the fact that you’ll all be together again.

You’ll likely stay in touch with friends over the school year through social media and texting, but nothing compares to meeting in person. Instead of waiting for another break, why not invite friends over for the weekend while you’re at college? You’ll find apartments near Brock University with plenty of space to host guests at Foundry Lofts. Apply now to join our waitlist to hear when new spots open up.


How to Avoid Cramming for Tests

Cramming for tests is always a bad idea. For one thing, it’s much harder to retain information this way. Worse, if you pull an all-nighter, you may even fall asleep while cramming, sleep through your alarm, and miss the test entirely. No matter if you’re prone to procrastination or you’re not sure how to prepare for tests other than cramming, there are ways you can improve.

1. Study Every Day

As soon as you know that you’ll be having the test and what it will cover, start preparing. It’s enough to dedicate just half an hour a day to studying — you’ll soon find the information starts to stick and you’ll stop struggling to remember the fine details. Just bear in mind that you’ll need to schedule time each day to ensure you actually do study.

2. Condense Your Notes

An effective way to solidify your knowledge is to rewrite your notes by condensing them down to just the main points. You can even rewrite each set of notes more than once, making them more condensed each time. If you have typed notes, make sure you write them out fresh each time rather than just making a copy of the document and deleting the extra information.

3. Pay Attention in Class

Your notes are no good if you failed to pay attention in class. If you have gaps, you’ll need to go and look up the missing information instead of preparing for your test. This will add to your workload and increase the risk you’ll need to cram the night before.

If you’re finding it hard to focus in class, remove any distractions. Instead of sitting at the back of the room next to a friend or looking at your phone every few minutes, move to the front of the room to be right in front of your professor.

4. Form a Study Group

The best study group is formed of people who want to do well on a test and will help each other understand the material. The worst people to have in a study group are often your best friends, as the study session can easily become another socializing event.

An alternative to forming a study group is to ask a TA or tutor to help you. The important thing is to study with someone who will push you and make sure you understand the material fully.

5. Experiment with Different Study Methods

It’s difficult to know which study methods work for you until you’ve tried them. Many students find it useful to prepare flashcards to test themselves on key concepts and facts. You could also draw a mind map, flow chart, or another type of diagram to summarize what you’ve learned or how key points are linked.

Having a comfortable place to study throughout the semester can make a world of difference. Dorm rooms are notoriously terrible for studying — it’s much better to live in Brock University off-campus housing. At Foundry Lofts, you’ll be able to study in your private bedroom or in our 3,600-square-foot WiFi-equipped lounge. Apply now to secure your suite.


What to Do If You & Your Roommate Don’t Get Along

Whether your roommate is a friend or someone you’ve never met before, making the adjustment to living in close quarters can be difficult. The situation is worse if you and your roommate don’t get along. Since you’ll need to put up with each other for at least the rest of the semester, it’s important to take steps to resolve any problems you have before they become overblown.

1. Think About What You Could Do Differently

It’s easy to blame your roommate for everything wrong with your living situation, but you need to consider how you’re contributing. Just like your roommate has annoying habits, you most likely do things that bother your roommate without you even realizing it. In fact, you could be adding to the tension.

If you’re living with a complete stranger, another factor could be that you simply don’t know your roommate yet. You could be interpreting behaviour as hostile or unfriendly, when actually your roommate is just shy or feeling homesick. Give your roommate the benefit of the doubt and put in the effort to get to know one another. There’s no need to become friends, but life will be easier for both of you if you learn to get along.

2. Take Steps to Prevent Conflict

You’re going to have to deal with conflict no matter who you live with. You undoubtedly had conflicts with your parents and siblings when you lived in your family home. The conflicts you have with your roommate may be quite different, but that’s just because you come from different backgrounds. Always consider your role in any conflicts and what you could do to prevent problems in the future.

3. Spend Less Time in Your Apartment

You may find you’re getting on each other’s nerves simply because you’re around each other too much. Perhaps your roommate likes to lounge around in the living room for hours or spends a long time cooking every evening, making it difficult for you to use the kitchen. Instead of becoming frustrated, find ways to stay out of the house more. Perhaps you could visit friends, sign up for more activities at college, or find an opportunity to volunteer.

4. Have Conversations About What’s Bothering You

Resolving problems requires action from both of you — which means you need to communicate. It’s no good to expect your roommate to just know what to do. Worse still is leaving passive aggressive notes, such as to point out that something needs cleaning or to complain about your roommate’s guests.

Instead, you need to have sit-down conversations.

Start the conversation by pointing out that you want to get along and you need to know if you are doing anything that annoys your roommate. Give your roommate time to talk and make sure to listen carefully. Only then should you explain what’s bothering you. Together, you should figure out ways to resolve the issues.

It’s common to find that this first conversation goes much better than you may have expected. The fact is most college students want to have a pleasant living experience and are willing to work with their roommates to make it happen.

5. Vent to Someone

There may be some small things that bother you that you just need to put up with, especially if it would seem petty to ask your roommate to change. Alternatively, you may be stressed in general, which could mean the things your roommate does bother you irrationally. Venting to a friend can sometimes help, but an even better solution is to talk to a counsellor. A professional may have ideas you can use in your specific situation to make your life more comfortable.

You’re much less likely to have conflict with your roommate if you don’t share a bedroom. A great alternative to on-campus Niagara College residence is Foundry Lofts. You’ll have a private bedroom in a suite with a maximum of four other students and you’ll only need to share a bathroom with two other people at the most. Secure the floor plan you want by applying today.


A Guide to Making New Friends at University

Although everyone is eager to make friends when they start university, it becomes more difficult to connect with new people as time goes on. However, it’s still possible to make new friends at any point during your time at university — all you need to do is keep some basic tips in mind.

1. Be Authentic

Making friends is not a numbers game — there’s no point investing your time in someone with whom you have nothing in common. By being genuine, you’ll find friends with similar interests and ensure your personalities click. This is a key way to build friendships that last.

2. Meet Others Living in the Same Student Housing

Look beyond your classes when searching for opportunities to make friends. It’s particularly convenient to hang out with people who live in the same building as you, especially if there are facilities on site like a lounge or fitness centre. The students living in the same place as you may be taking a completely different major or they may even attend another university. This will mean you’re exposed to new perspectives and ideas.

3. Join Plenty of Clubs

Another way to expand your friend circle is to join clubs and organizations. Attend meetings for anything you find intriguing and explore new passions. It will be easy to make friends when you can bond over a hobby.

4. Let Your Uniqueness Shine

Don’t be afraid to show the unique side of your personality. If you have an uncommon hobby or character quirk that your current friends love, embrace it. When you’re memorable, the people you meet will seek you out.

5. Ask Questions

Of course, it’s also important to avoid making everything about you. Take a genuine interest in the people you meet and ask plenty of questions. If you find that the standard small talk starts to become boring, ask more original questions — without being intrusive, of course. For instance, you could try to find out what you have in common with people. You’ll immediately have something to talk about, as well as a reason to meet up again later.

6. Expect to Like People

Reserve any judgement until you actually know someone. When you meet new people, always begin with the expectation that you will like them. By keeping an open mind, you’ll likely find that you connect with people who would never otherwise have become your friends. Plus, you’ll gain a reputation for being a nice person yourself, which will mean people are more willing to approach you.

7. Broaden Your Knowledge

Learn about things that interest other students. For example, stay up to date with pop culture references, what’s happening in the news, and sports. Whereas no one likes a know-it-all, having a basic knowledge of a variety of topics will allow you to have conversations about anything with anyone.

8. Invite People to Routine Activities

Think about all the things you do everyday anyway and consider if you could invite new friends along. Perhaps you could find some gym buddies or have a jam session with fellow musicians.

You’ll find it much easier to make friends if you live in a building made up of student rentals. St Catharines students have Foundry Lofts. Our student housing has a variety of amenities that make it easy to socialize and meet new people, including a game room, movie theatre, and TV lounge. Secure your lease before spaces fill up.