

Tips for Managing Your Time Well


If you have a full schedule of classes, a couple extracurriculars, and other commitments like a part-time job, you may often feel like there are too few hours in the day. However, managing your time better can free up several hours each week, which you can use to accomplish more and take some well-deserved time off.

1. Figure Out Where You’re Wasting Time

For a couple days, make a note of how exactly you use your time throughout the day. You may find more time is going toward time-wasting tasks than you realized. For instance, you may mindlessly check social media whenever you have a free moment or regularly interrupt your study sessions to send a text.

Once you’re aware of how you’re wasting time, you can take steps to improve. This could involve keeping your phone out of reach when you’re studying, turning off notifications, or setting daily limits for certain apps.

2. Create a To-Do List

To ensure you stay on track with meeting your due dates and larger goals, you need to be clear about what you want to accomplish each day. Create a to-do list of tasks in order of priority. Once you’ve finished your highest-priority tasks, you can work on whatever resonates with you the most. For example, you may be more in the mood to read than to write a paper.

3. Stop Trying to Multitask

You may try to save time by multitasking, but this tends to mean you spend longer on the tasks and reduces the quality of the results. It’s much better to stay focused on one thing at a time, even if the task seems simple enough to multitask.

4. Complete All Your Smallest Tasks

It’s worth starting your day with tasks you can complete quickly. Completing a large number of tasks in a short period of time will help you feel like you’ve achieved a lot and may give you the motivation you need to start working on larger projects.

5. Have a Weekly Routine

Sticking to a routine will mean you always know what you should be doing, which can help you be more productive. Figure out what kinds of activities fit best into the free time you have between classes and what time of day you’re most in the mood for a particular type of task.

6. Take Breaks

Although it may feel like you can’t afford to stop, breaks are essential for preventing burnout. During a long study session, short breaks are important for maintaining your focus, whereas you need a few hours off occasionally to give your mind a proper rest. Both will improve your overall productivity.

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