The time you spend at university can be some of the most exciting years of your life. However, many students also experience a great deal of stress, whether due to academics, homesickness, financial worries, or something else. To stay healthy and happy at university, it’s important to practice self-care. Here are some strategies to consider.
1. Sleep Enough
You need at least seven hours of sleep a night. You may think you can cope with less — it may even be tempting to try when you have an assignment to finish right before the deadline or an event is happening late in the evening — but the effects will soon catch up on you. When you’re sleep deprived, it becomes more difficult to focus and you’ll feel tired during the day. However, if you prioritize sleeping enough each night, you may be able to improve your grades.
2. Exercise Regularly
You should exercise for at least two and a half hours each week. The best way to achieve this is by having a workout of 20 minutes or longer every day. Exercising has benefits to both your physical and mental health. For instance, it lowers your risk of certain diseases, decreases anxiety, and improves your mood. The huge number of options available to you means university is the ideal time to find activities you enjoy, whether that involves going to the gym, joining a fitness class, or playing a sport.
3. Eat Healthy Meals
The other key way to take care of your body is to focus on nutrition. University can be tough in regard to eating well because you’re suddenly responsible for all your own meals. Some students turn to processed foods, which are bad for both their health and their budget. Instead, you should try to cook healthy meals at home as often as possible. You’ll find that improving your diet keeps your mind clear, prevents unhealthy weight gain or weight loss, and reduces inflammation.
4. Have a Routine
Include all the above healthy habits in your routine. Although it may be difficult to have exactly the same routine each day (due to classes taking place at different times and extracurriculars happening only on certain days), you should still be able to fit these important things into your schedule at around the same time each day. For instance, try to have a regular bedtime, wake-up time, and mealtimes. You’ll find this reduces your levels of stress and makes you feel more productive, focused, and in control.
5. Use Mindfulness Exercises
Something extra to include in your daily routine is mindfulness practice. Mindfulness involves paying attention to your thoughts and sensations, which helps you manage stress, improves your patience, and enhances your self-awareness. You can practice mindfulness in several ways, including by following guided meditations, using breathing exercises, or spending a minute or so to think about what you’re grateful for.
6. Clean Your Apartment
A clean home will reduce the risk you fall sick and will make you feel more comfortable in your home. In addition to creating a weekly cleaning schedule, find time on a regular basis for a deep clean and declutter.
7. Stay Hydrated
Low energy levels and difficulty concentrating are often due to dehydration. Stay hydrated by carrying a bottle of water with you throughout the day.
Living in your own apartment, rather than in student residence, is crucial for self-care. You can find Brock University off-campus housing at Parkway Lofts. Here, you can have a private bedroom in a shared suite or your own studio apartment. Plus, we have great amenities to make it easier for you to focus on self-care, such as a fitness center, commercial-style kitchen, and study rooms. Contact us to learn about our limited-time offers.